Recently there has been a lot of news about patients losing their rights to receive a fair trial after being diagnosed with cancer. This can have a huge impact on their lives and their financial future and should not be allowed to happen. These issues are being argued by those who believe that the defendants in this case were given a raw deal and that they are owed a fair trial too.
Antedating: Asbestos News; a paper released on April 21st, reporting that asbestos used to be the nation’s largest seller, was banned by the US government in 2021. This news article states: “The ban took effect after tests showed high levels of asbestos in numerous buildings, including hospitals, schools and offices. Even more startling was the revelation that asbestos products were used in a variety of other industries, including clothing and paint.” The reasoning for this ban was that the carcinogen is known to cause mesothelioma, a disease that occurs in the lining of the lung that causes chest illnesses like emphysema and chronic coughing. According to the article, the verdict is still out as to whether the ban will cause health problems, but this is a significant step towards reducing exposure to asbestos.
Antedating: A New Era for Marijuana in America; a bill making its way through the California State Legislature would legalize recreational marijuana use. Proponents of the bill claim that Californians already have the legal authority to consume marijuana for medicinal purposes, and that legalization will further eliminate drug trafficking, which currently takes place in California under the guise of medical marijuana. The argument is that marijuana users, rather than criminals, will benefit from this legislation. However, as noted above, antedating the current ban could prevent people from receiving medical treatments. This article is from the Wall Street Journal, so we can only assume that the final findings are in opposition to the legalization of recreational marijuana.
Whitewash: It appears that this news item was either not written by someone with firsthand experience of the drug, or was written by someone who hasn’t actually taken the substance. Either way, it’s a pretty disgusting piece of writing. The author rails against the war on drugs, repeating oft-heard statements such as crack-cocaine is safer than marijuana, and that we should legalize it because it’s more popular. He also claims that the government has “no business” interfering with free enterprise and states that we should disregard “hypocrisy from both sides of the political aisle”. While this article is definitely disjointed from the news it purports to represent, from the tone it sets, it seems as if it was actually written by a drug abuser.
In conclusion, I’d say that this article is just another example of why mass media and social networking are completely unreliable sources of information, regardless of their source. Even when it comes to something as controversial as the legalization of recreational marijuana in Connecticut, it’s better to rely on your own intelligence and common sense than on what the mass media is feeding you. Please consider all this.