The word food comes from the Latin verb’sedare’ meaning to cook. Our body needs food to survive and it gets this from our daily food intake. Our body was made to feed on food that we eat. The food that we eat is the fuel which allows us to move from one stage to another. So, what does food do? It gives us energy to move from one place to another, both mentally and physically.
In order to understand the importance of nutrition in our lives, it is important to see food not just as food but as the fuel which moves our body. In that way, we can understand that food is the main source of nutrients to our daily food intake. Food is the basic need of every living organism, whether animal, human or insect. In fact, all living things are nourished by food, whether they are vegetable, fungus or animal.
Food is used to give us energy to move from one place to another, both mentally and physically. Generally speaking, there are five groups of foods which are widely used by people across the globe; they are carbohydrates, protein, vegetables, fruits and oils. Carbohydrates are the widely used food group containing many types of starches, such as wheat, rice, corn, potatoes, cereals and pulses. They are widely used as energy source and for the production of glucose.
Protein is the most vital food ingredient needed for the human body. Some of the most commonly used protein are meat, eggs, fish, milk, poultry, nuts and soybeans. Vegetables are generally cooked or raw in our daily food intake. Fruits, on the other hand, are naturally present in the food but are mainly used for their nutrients, especially vitamin A, vitamin C, iron and carotenoids. Other widely used food additives are leavening agents, colorants, preservatives, antibiotics and artificial ingredients.
Vegetable and fruit juices and extracts are regarded as good food additives, because they help to provide the body with many vitamins and minerals. Juice provides the best source of antioxidants, which help to prevent cancer. Extracts from vegetables and fruits also help to provide minerals, while providing essential carbohydrates. Most plant-based foods contain at least one type of vitamin E, which is an important antioxidant. Vitamins and nutrient supplements are widely used as dietary supplements.
When you see food, do not just think of the taste. Although some food can be enjoyed without any thought, the majority of them contain chemicals, toxins and other substances which are harmful for your health. Eating right will not only ensure that you get all the nutrients your body needs, but it will also enhance your energy and make you feel better.